Watch For It!

I woke this morning hoping for a change in some of my circumstances.  But through 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 God impressed on me that He wants a change in ME.  Here is my paraphrase of the Apostle Paul’s plea to the Corinthians:

We want you to experience synergy with God and avoid missing the full benefits of His grace.  God is earnestly listening to you in the moment that you need Him most.  And on the very day that you need Him to deliver you, He’s right there helping you. 

Watch for it!  Now is the opportune moment to draw on God’s favor.  Watch for it!  Today is the day to experience what He wants to do in you.  Otherwise you might offend someone or embarrass yourself. 

Instead, we demonstrate the Christ-Life right in the midst of everything that life throws at us, serving God’s purposes with strong perseverance in the midst of afflictions, hardships and stresses, even in the midst of being beaten up, locked up and overrun, in the midst of hard assignments, without enough sleep and food. 

Right there in the midst of such experiences we live in God’s love, wisdom, patience and kindness, overflowing with His Spirit, love, truth and power.  We use both hands to fight off the enemy no matter what life throws at us: praise or blame, slander or honor, accused of lying or revered for telling the truth, in obscurity or in the spotlight, dying or living, condemned or exonerated, in sorrow and in joy, doing without and blessing others, having nothing yet having everything we need. 

We have spoken freely about this because our heart is free and open before you.  But it seems like something is holding you back.  I hope that you can enter with us into this wide-open freedom.   

Answered Prayer:  The Lord carried me through a series of 13-hour days, and blessed the work of our hands.  Again and again He showed up and guided us forward.  Now my fellow workers have flown back to Nigeria, the Philippines, Ethiopia and other destinations.  And we look to God to bless the work of our hands as a catalyst for Navigator disciples throughout our Worldwide Partnership responding to poverty, corruption and injustice wherever they live.    Just a few more days until vacation!