My Unbelief

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Yet again, the gap in our funding for this year takes my breath away.  It shouldn’t.  God has fully met our needs every year for our last 35 years of making our living by the Gospel.  But this year I look at the $50K gap and it still feels like Goliath to me.  Some of our biggest givers have already given so generously.  Where will it come from?  I don’t know.  So, like that desperate father in Matthew 9:24 I cry out, “I believe!  Help my unbelief.”  Please pray, “Heavenly Father, please meet David & Renee’s needs according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” 

 P.S.: I was very encouraged by how God worked among our MENA Regional Leaders last month as they discussed very challenging missions strategy issues.  Dialog was vigorous!  Relationships were tested!  There were tears!  But in the end God gave us clear consensus and excellent foundations for leading forward together.  He truly answered our prayers.