
Recently I dreamed about a field sergeant with his squad fighting for their lives in an urban battlefield.  In my dream, the sergeant realized that they had run out of ammunition, and it was his fault.  As I woke, I knew that the dream was significant, and immediately thought, “What is the ammunition?” In my quiet time I asked the Lord, “Is it the Word?  Is it prayer?”  Then I heard Renee praying over Skype with one of our field leaders in the Middle East. I shared the dream with them.  They said that the ammunition is the Word and prayer and praise.  That led me to Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20.  Remember how he sent his worship leaders to lead the way into battle singing, “Praise the Lord, for His lovingkindness is everlasting!”  The Lord set ambushes and routed the enemy for them.  Intercessory worship is the ammunition.  Will you join me in launching your year with praise and prayer rooted in the Word?  If so, please send me a message declaring, “Praise the Lord!” 
Prayer update:   Thank you for praying for our funding.  Year-end gifts exceeded the $25K we needed, and friends have pledged about half of the $1800 in monthly income we need to cover our expenses!

MinistryRen MoirWorship