Help to Launch Together

We have a large urgent need that has suddenly come upon us.  We need $23K to finish building the Together app.  

 Together is designed to help to ignite and fuel disciple making movements.  You can go to to watch the two 1-minute videos there to see how it works.  

 You may be aware that disciple making movements (DMM’s) are where some of the most exciting growth of the Gospel is taking place today.  A DMM is roughly defined as a movement of the Gospel where over 500 come to Christ in 5 multi-generational streams in 5 years.  I’ve watched tracking the growth of these movements for the last 5 years or so from 1000 movements to now nearly 2000 movements.  The Spirit is on the move!  Now these movements are using technology to support and sustain them multiplying into new contexts.  

 The heart of the Together app is the simple Discovery Bible Study method that is prominent in most of these movements.  The app is designed to enable every participant to immediately turn around and pass on what they are learning without training.  Renée and I used it with our neighbor.  She immediately turned around and led her husband and children to Christ and is continuing to do the same with her atheist friends and extended family.  

 We began building Together 3 years ago.  We were very encouraged with the response to our alpha testing with 100 twenty-somethings last summer.  Over 90% said that they would use it as a primary tool for helping them and their friends to follow Jesus.  

 We then ran into complex organizational delays, but now we’re about to sign a contract with a developer to finish the project by November.  The remaining cost is $50K, and God has already provided $29K.  

 Thanks for considering this urgent strategic need!   If you feel led to help, just go to right away and press the donate button there.  Please feel NO pressure to give.  Email is just the quickest and easiest way for us to let our friends know that they have an opportunity to help with this. 

 His servant and yours,


PS: Thanks for praying for our peacemaking trips. I have 2 more to go. Although it’s hard, I do see God at work in the midst of it.