
We Navigators like to camp on the pronouns in our calling: to advance the Gospel of Jesus and His kingdom INTO the nations THROUGH spiritual generations of laborers living and discipling AMONG the lost.  This week in Asia we’re gathering nearly 500 of the leaders of our worldwide partnership for an International Forum to rally and inspire them to continue advancing the Gospel on INto the nations.  Lord of the Harvest, we call on You to continue to thrust Navigator workers INto the harvest where they live, work and play. 

During our last International Forum in 2017, I spoke on “the missing word” in our calling statement: TOGETHER.  (We are called to live and disciple together among the lost.)  At this forum I’m overseeing a multi-faceted experience to lead our people deeper into that challenge.  Lord of the Harvest, please grow Navigators all over the world to become cities set on hills to bring light to their corners of the world.  (Matthew 5:14). 



 P.S.  Thanks for praying for the Business and Professional gatherings where I’ve been presenting and interacting here in Asia these last few days.  I don’t think that what I shared was clever or impressive, but it does seem like the Holy Spirit was demonstrating His power.  One Chinese businessman had flown in for other reasons that did not work out, but after my message, he shared with Renée through tears that God had brought him just to hear that message.  Several have texted me in subsequent days expressing their gratitude for what God did.