That Thing He Does

There is this thing that God does when we ask Him to do what only He can do.  It’s always different, but we recognize His fingerprints, and He’s doing it again in our neighborhood.  When we went to organize our annual neighborhood Christmas part y, we discovered that one of our neighbors had already started and asked if we could work together on it.  Then, as we did so we discovered that although she’s a Jew she’s wide open to Jesus because of what she sees in the kids of one of our other neighbors… and she asked Renée to help her and her neighbor to study the Bible together!  So, please pray with us: “Lord of the Harvest, please continue to open the hearts and minds of our neighbors to Jesus this Christmas!” 



P.S. The Together App is beginning to get traction in making disciple making simple for ordinary people.  One friend just did a Together session with her dad to fill the time as they were on a long drive.  He loved it, said “I can do this!” and decided on his own to use it with some of his friends.  Please keep praying that the Lord of the Harvest will use the app to thrust out laborers into the harvest and to lift up Jesus.  Just go to to learn about it or go to to use it.