
When I gathered our Together launch team in January 2020, I naively thought we’d finish in 1 year.  Since then, I’ve been learning to go slow to go fast.  Now, our software developer (Storyland) is in the final sprint to finish the Together app so that we can launch it in November.   They are Spirit-filled craftsmen.  Creator God, please fill the Storyland craftsmen with Your Spirit for Your creative work as you filled Bezalel as he finished Your tabernacle.  (Exodus 31:3)



P.S. More good news: I get to keep ALL my teeth… Even the one broken off can be salvaged with a crown rather than an implant.  I had 3 root canals last Thursday with practically NO pain after the first day.  I’m now able to walk with 2 shoes on because my toe is healing so well.  My concussion symptoms continue to recede each week.  I still need to rebuild stamina.  I had been told to expect 3-6 months for my reconstruction and recovery, but it looks like I may be finished in 2 months, just in time for our October – November trip to Eurasia and the Middle East!