Finishing Well

This weekend four of my closest friends will gather with me to spend a weekend discussing what it will look like for us to finish well.  My closest friends are physicians, pastors, and ministry leaders.  But we won’t be talking about finishing our careers well.  We’ll be talking about finishing life well.  I have another few years before I retire from my current role.  But I hope to have many more years of serving Christ and my family. What will that look like?  How am I to prepare to finish well? That’s what we’ll be discussing. So, please pray for us. 

Good Shepherd, please lead David and his friends into what it will look like for each of them to finish well.    (2 Timothy 4:6-8)



P.S. Thanks for praying for my quick trip to MENA. I was expecting 50 younger leaders, but over 100 came.  The responses were strong and deep. I was up late answering questions. I especially enjoyed this first opportunity to collaborate with our new Regional Director. I’m seeing the anointing of God on him that I’ve come to look for after someone has been appointed. 

MinistryDavid Lyonsprayer, ministry