More Please

Party at Lyons’ house!  This Friday many of our neighbors will once again gather in our front yard for potluck dessert and games.  We have not invited anyone.  They’ve all been invited by Jessica, our neighbor who recently opened her heart to Christ.  I think that Jesus loves a good party, especially one with the broken and marginalized.  Jesus clearly showed up and showed off at our last neighborhood party.  More of that, please!  Please pray with us: “Come, Holy Spirit!  Please inhabit this neighborhood gathering, and once again pour out Your blessing, glorify Jesus and open doors for Your word.”  (John 16:8-10; 14, Colossians 4:2-4)




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P.S. My health is fine.  That incident a few weeks ago was a scary one-off thing.  But the devil has continued to harass many of our leaders, and especially our Together Launch Team.  Please continue to agree with us in binding him at this crucial time as we prepare for field testing of the Together App.  If you are interested in participating in that field testing, please go to, watch the videos, press “Contact Us”, press “Let’s Go!”, then complete the application there.  (If you do so, please send me an email letting me know.  Thanks!)