I'm a Fan


I can relate to Paul as he was writing 2 Timothy to the young leader Timothy.  Week by week I am coaching several indigenous leaders of countrywide ministries in the Middle East, Africa and other continents.  Their contexts are incredibly challenging.  For some reason they are looking to me, and I wonder what I have to offer them.  But I believe in them.  I’m excited about what God is doing in and through them.  Like Paul, I keep cheering for them, to fan into flame the gifts that God has placed in them.  Holy Spirit, please breathe on the gifts of these Gospel leaders!  (2 Timothy 1:6)

P.S. Please continue to pray for our Encountering Jesus Together project.  God has given us strong progress this last 10 days as we’ve been learning and apply our research to our prototype design.  Thanks for praying!  But significant design challenges remain.  This morning I woke at 3 AM wrestling with one and could not go back to sleep.  These next few days will be pivotal for recruiting human and financial resources.