Help! Thanks! Wow!

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Anne Lamott suggests that the three essential prayers are “Help”, “Thanks” and “Wow”.  That sums up how we pray about our funding.  A large portion of our funding tends to come in December.  So, we often cry out “Help!” in December.  Each January we’ve said a big “Thanks” because God has met that need.  And, as we look back over how God has met our needs all these years, we can’t help but say, “Wow!”  Reduced travel has reduced our expenses in 2020.  So, we channeled funds into helping Navigators in places like Lebanon and Uganda where the effects of the pandemic are most severe.  But as soon as we’re able to travel again the reservoir of needs in the field will break forth into lots of expensive travel.  Please pray with us: Father in Heaven, we call on You to once again give David & Renée their daily bread, their miraculous manna for the ministry opportunities ahead.

P.S. Our family gathering was a beautiful chaos… simultaneously wonderful and stressful.  Now Nicole Lorelei and her family are full-on preparing to leave for Japan in 2 weeks, and our 3rd son and his wife are preparing to return to the Middle East 2 weeks later.  So, it’s still very busy here.  Please continue to ask God for sustaining grace and connecting. 

P.P.S.  If you don’t receive our Light from the Lyons Den meditations, you might be blessed by this one: Pandemic Stress.  Let me know if you’d like to receive such meditations when I send them out once every month or so.