On This Election Day

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On the morning of this election day I feel led to read to you from Daniel 7.  Daniel lived under an ungodly regime in an ungodly day, but God gave him this beautiful vision.  Listen here.  Once you have listened to Daniel’s vision, you may feel led to worship.  If so, I encourage you to sing Be Enthroned

P.S. I was so inspired by the resilient courageous faith of our Middle Eastern brothers and sisters as we met with them over Zoom last week.  Some say that in the midst of this crisis they are seeing as much fruit in a month as they usually see in a year.  One led 4 to Christ as a patient in the hospital.  Pray for them.  Another key leader is in the hospital for urgent surgery this week.

P.P.S. You may enjoy my 2 minute video message on: Next Generation Missions.