A Kairos Moment


At the beginning of November our 3rd son and his wife arrived home from the Middle East with their new daughter whom we had never yet held in our arms. What a joy!  They overlap here for a few weeks with our 2nd daughter and her family who will soon depart to serve in Japan. So, this next week will be one of those increasingly rare opportunities for our entire family to be together in one city.  It’s a Kairos moment!  Because of COVID, we will all be together in one place for only a few minutes for an outdoor family photo, and other smaller gatherings will take place according to each family’s conscience and social distancing constraints.   Heavenly Father, please pour out Your blessing and enable David and Renée to make the most of these precious opportunities to invest in their children and grandchildren.  (Ephesians 5:16)

P.S. Our 8 days of IET meetings from 4-10 each evening were exhausting but fruitful.  Our study of racial / tribal injustice in the scriptures and around the world was sobering and motivating.  This has been a stubborn sin pattern among the people of God for millennia.  Yet it is also an opportunity for experiencing the power of the Gospel to collectively transform us.  We also experienced substantial progress on a host of other leadership challenges.  Thanks for praying!