Together Among

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One of the greatest challenges of our calling in the Middle East is to nurture spiritual generations of Muslim background believers living and discipling together among their own families and relational networks.  While Renee and I are away, one of my colleagues (Mike Shamy) will meet with our MENA regional leaders to help them to wrestle with how to see local laboring communities flourishing in every country where we serve.  Please pray that God will give them one heart and mind on this, as Paul prayed for others wrestling with similar issues in Romans 15:5-6.

P.S.  My colleague Ren is sending this to you for me because Renee and I are enjoying a wonderful time away.  By the way, God provided more than the additional $50K that we needed for our ministry this year!

P.P.S . I’m buried in reading, but wonder if you might volunteer to read and summarize this book for me: Praying for Your Missionary: How Prayers from Home Can Reach The Nations by Eddie Byun.  You can read a fascinating excerpt at God's Refuge for Missionaries.  I’ll buy a copy for the first person to volunteer!