Spirit-Led Strategic Planning


It’s common for Christians to begin a planning meeting with prayer, then proceed with planning with little to no awareness of the Holy Spirit’s promptings or checks, then close the meeting with prayer.  I’m trying, especially with other Navigators, to learn to be more keenly aware of the Spirit throughout our meetings, talking with Him and responding to His promptings throughout the process.  Then, when we’re done we are keenly aware that the Spirit has led us.  That’s what I aim to do when I return to our largest ministry in the Middle East May 3-5 to facilitate their new national leadership team doing strategic planning.  This is a young, indigenous team that is full of bold faith.  Please pray that God will lead us so clearly that we’ll truly be able to say, “it seemed to the Holy Spirit and to us”.  Acts 15:28
Prayer Update:  “That was easier than I expected.”  “Now we’re getting traction.”  “That felt good!”  These are things that I found myself thinking, and heard others saying, as our International Executive Team was meeting last week.  After four days of work, we also went on a retreat together.  One member of the team described it as one of top five times away that he’s ever experienced.  You had a part in all that through your prayers.  Thank you!