Strategic Integration

Have you ever met a Navigator who had a bad attitude toward traditional local churches?  Have you ever met someone who had a bad attitude toward those who serve Jesus in non-traditional ekklesia (local churches)?  We are members of One Body with One Calling, but sometimes we don't play well with one another. 
On the other hand, I’ve also seen how strategic integration leads to beautiful lasting fruit.  So, this week I will gather with some Navigator leaders from around the world to focus on strategic integration of Navigator Church Ministries with the rest of our Navigator work.  Please pray that God will help us fully embrace being members of one another, as in 1 Corinthians 12:4-7. 
Prayer update:  Thank you for praying for our rest and refreshment.  I’ve been taking more walks, working with my hands, pursuing my hobby of photography, and Renee and I have enjoyed two getaways in the mountains.  At the same time, we’ve been giving ourselves to important needs and opportunities in our (extended) family and personal (local) ministry.  But overall I feel like I am gaining altitude.  It helps to be home for an extended time!